I am currently enrolled in a communication course at St. Thomas University. As part of the class curriculum we were asked to create a blog in something that we felt really passionate about. We began by brain storming a list of words that would describe our life’s passion. We were then asked to question ourselves why was the topic we chose our passion and then we were instructed to share our answers with our group. Each of the words that I listed was related to the field of psychology. I am a psychology major and one of my life’s desires has been to understand the human behavior and to understand why people especially children behave the way that they do in certain situations.
The second step we had to take in order to create this blog was to come up with a name and then register our blog to the different online sources in order to share it with other online users. The third step we had to make was to choose a design for our blog. I chose the color green which for me signifies hope and children are the hope of the future. I am creating this blog as a source of information where I could post articles related to the development of children and where I could post my ideas and share my opinion with others who are interested on this topic.